Hutama Karya ensures that GCG principles are applied in every aspect of business processes and at all levels of the Company. The principles of good corporate governance are needed to achieve the long-term sustainability of the company while taking into account the interests of stakeholders.
The principles of good corporate governance as stipulated in the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Regulation Number PER-01/MBU/2011 concerning the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in State-Owned Enterprises, Chapter II article 3, are described as follows:
Basic principles
Key Implementation Guidelines
Basic principles
Transparency is openness in carrying out the decision-making process and openness in disclosing material and relevant information about the company.
Basic principles
To maintain objectivity in conducting business, Hutama Karya provides material and relevant information in a way that is easily accessible and understood by stakeholders. Hutama Karya took the initiative to disclose not only the problems required by legislation but also other important matters for decision making by the Shareholders and Stakeholders by their rights.
Key Implementation Guidelines
Hutama Karya provides information in a punctual, adequate, clear, accurate and comparable manner and is easily accessible by stakeholders by their rights.
1. The principle of transparency followed by Hutama Karya does not reduce the obligation in fulfilling the provisions of the Company’s confidentiality by applicable legislation, the confidentiality of office, and personal rights;
2. Information that must be disclosed including, but not limited to the Vision, Mission, business goals and strategy of the Company, financial condition, composition and compensation of the Directors and the Board of Commissioners, share ownership of members of the Board of Commissioners and members of the Board of Directors and their family members in the Company or other companies, management system risks, internal control and internal audit systems, systems and implementation of GCG as well as their level of compliance, and important events that can affect the condition of the Company;
3. Company policies must be written and proportionally communicated to Stakeholders.
It is the conformity of the Company's management to the prevailing laws and regulations and sound corporate principles.
Basic principles
Hutama Karya always strives to comply the laws and regulations and carry out responsibilities to the community and the environment to achieve long-term business sustainability and be recognized as a good corporate citizen.
Key Implementation Guidelines
Company Organs strive to adhere the principle of precautionary and ensure compliance with statutory regulations, Law Number 40 of 2007 and Company regulations stipulated (by-laws);
Hutama Karya seeks partnerships with all interested parties according to sound business ethics, including caring for the environment and carrying out social responsibility, especially around the Company, by making effective and systematic planning and implementations of social responsibility activities.
That is a situation where the Company is professionally managed without conflicts of interest and influence/pressure from any party that is not by the applicable laws and regulations and sound corporate principles.
Basic Principles
To implement the principles of GCG, Hutama Karya carries out the Company's management independently so that each Company Organ does not dominate each other and cannot be intervened by other parties.
Key Implementation Guidelines
1. Hutama Karya always respects the rights and obligations, duties and responsibilities, and the authority of each Company Organ so that they can carry out their duties properly and be able to make the best decisions for the Company;
2. Each Company Organ must carry out its functions and duties in accordance with Hutama Karya's Articles of Association and laws and regulations, not dominating each other and/or shifting responsibilities between one party to another.
3. Hutama Karya, in making decisions, acts objectively, avoids unfair domination by any stakeholder, is not influenced by unilateral interests, and is free from conflicts of interest.
That is a situation where the Company is professionally managed without conflicts of interest and influence/pressure from any party that is not by the applicable laws and regulations and sound corporate principles.