Description of Business
Hutama Karya began to enter the manufacturing business as a manifestation of its business diversification strategy to strengthen the existence of the company in the construction industry. In the year of 2018, PT Hakaaston was established. Hakaston is engaged in asphalt manufacturing, ready mix asphalt, and precast concrete and has six asphalt mixing plants (AMP) in Cibitung, Cileungsi, Sei Langkat, Palimanan, Lohsarang, and Palembang; and has precast factories in Medan-Binjai, Palembang, and Bojonegara. Moreover, Hutama Karya also develops a steel business which is produced by PT Bhirawa Steel as the subsidiary of PT Hakaaston. Bhirawa Steel is a manufacturing company that produces several products including SNI Round and Deformed Bar.